Sunday, November 22, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
New Attitude

Who said that 70's disco cannot plan a role in life. In 1973 the Pointer Sister's released the hit single I've Got A New Attitude. A song which by my standard should be part of everyone's inner anthem. Its a song about starting a new, letting go of hardships, and moving on in a positive new direction. The last few weeks I have been down in the dumps because well things just have not gone my way. But you know after a fabulous weekend with a good friend, and a great book recommendation, and a listen to the Pointer Sister's I have a feeling of moving in a more positive direction. No more looking at what is not working, no, now I must focus on how to take what I have and make it work. Life is never perfect, there are many struggles along the way, but hey, there are also great times and opportunities, that are out there you just have to figure out how to stay positive so that good things can come your way. Its like they say in the Secret you know that little book Oprah had on her show that changed the lives of millions out there. According to the Secret if you want something to happen then you have to put it out to the Universe, and the Universe will in turn help you get what you want. Well you know what I too at this time want something really bad, and guess what I have put it out to the Universe, so now Its waiting time, but despite what happens, at least I have a new attitude no more sadness over things out of my control it positive thinking for me. Here is to new beginnings!!!!! And to the start of something wonderful!!!!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Don't Fret
This week for me has been a week of ups and downs a complete roller coaster ride well minus the roller coaster. The last few months have brought so many changes in my life that it was quite hard to cope with the ups and downs... But in life we need to learn to roll with the punches something that despite all of my battles I have yet to accomplish. Having said that a very valuable lesson was learned this week and that is to always keep your head up and hope for he best. Life is not always going to bring us exactly what we want but we must always keep a positive outlook and that the lord that things are not worse then they are. Life never brings us more then we can handle it just likes to test us and see how much we can withstand before we break. I have seen lots in this world and my situation is not as dire as many as I have seen I have supportive friends and family always there to lend me a helping hand and you could never ask more then that. I especially have a wonderful mother who keeps me in check and always makes me see the light at the end of the tunnel thank you mom and love you!
Friday, September 11, 2009
9/11 A Day of Rememberance

Today people around the world remember the vicious attacks of 9/11. Despite your feelings for Americans today we stand with them in solidarity for the 2, 752 lives that were lost on the tragic day that planes struck the Twin Towers, The Pentagon, and a patch of land in Pennsylvania.
I think pretty much everyone can remember where they were and what they were doing during those moments when the TV showed a plane crashing into the first tower. I remember I was in Albuquerque, NM. I remember turning on my roommates small little TV to watch the today show a daily morning ritual when I caught the sight of the plane just having hit the tower. I was in disbelief this could not be real, this had to be some stunt, what movie was filming, I continued to get ready volume off, then it happened again, wait what, I don't get it volume up, and then the reporting flooded in, this was real this was more then real, sights of people falling out of the building what later became known as people jumping out of offices. I immediately thought of all those I knew in NYC my friend Michael and Andrea all of who worked very close to the towers, were they safe, is this for real. I head to the office and reality begins to sink in as everyone talks about the tragedy, all news station play the same story. I call my parents please call everyone parents see how they are, no response. The days goes on towers fall, Pentagon hit, plane crashes in Pennsylvania, cannot believe this, am numb, NYC is my home always has been always will be this is not real. 11:45 pm news from friends they are safe not home still walking but safe, relief, but still so many lost, the wreckage is hard to see, the firefighters, and police struggle to find survivors, its bleak, but life must go on.
Now eight years later I remember the victims, I remember this day, I grieve with those who lost loved one who will never forget this day, I remember and will never forget, but they will never be the same, this tragedy hunts them everyday, not sure if they will ever be the same, but on this day I stand with them and send my love. Today is very different from the day when the attacks came it is cold and windy, rainy, many clouds in the sky unlike that picture perfect day eight years ago, but at 12:20 EST when the last names were read and HERO was sung by the choir there was a pause in the wind, a clearing in the sky, and the ceremony concluded, those HEROS where there today, looking down at their loved ones saying "we remember" and we love you, and "we will never forget"
Never Forget Always Remember......
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Social Network Sites
Hey everyone, all good over on my end of the world. But now with this new power of being able to blog when I want you all may just get tired of me. So I am at a cafe wiu my new iPhone blogging so perez Hilton of me hehehehhe! Anyway the topic I would like to discuss is social network sites like facebook and Twitter oh and let's not forget linked in all sites which allow me to keep up with my friends! I think that despite the fact that they no longer leave room for privacy they do open a world of opportunity to stay connected whether socially or to network for your career! I am loving the new wave of the future especially when that wave allows me to be able to reach out and connect with all the people I love everyday! So here is to social networking via the world wide web! I give it two tumbs up!
So I just got a new iPhone and it appears that I can also blog from it how great is that now I can always write about my adventures while they are taking place rather then having to wait until I am with laptop! Man gotta love technology! I<3 technology!!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Anniversay of Sorts....
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Is it LOVE, or the best friend you ever had...
I often find myself thinking of when I will be able to find true love. I have not been very lucky in love as a matter of fact I am probably extra ordinarily unlucky in love. I do not know why, but perhaps that is just the way it goes. However, this year I have discovered love, a very unconventional form of love, the kind of love that you want to hold close to you. No its not the person that I am going to marry, nor a person I am dating, but an amazing person who has opened my heart to the possibilities of finding that love. This person showed me through small actions everyday, that I was special, that I am worth love, and that I can make someone happy. I guess sometimes we just never know where that true love will be nor in what form that love will come in, but sometimes you find this love, and although it may not be what you were looking for it is just what you needed to be able to find the happiness that you deserve and the happiness to make you see that although things may not be the way you want them to be right now that love is just around the corner in the most mysterious of ways.....Thank you for making me feel again, and for opening my heart to the possibilities of life and love all over again, you will forever hold a special place in my heart!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Lost of An American Icon....RIP Ted Kennedy

Monday, August 24, 2009
Harry Potter Fans....
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Cafe Kick...

Its not often that I take to my blog to make recommendations, but last night I went to one of the best bars in London, with the best homemade sangria. The sangria to my surprise was made to order so I had no expectations about how good it would be until I had a sip, then I was converted. So if you are looking for a place to go relax, play some table football, and enjoy time with friends, then I recommend that you go over to Farringdon, and visit Cafe Kick...i had a great time!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Loves NYC but London has STOLEN my HEART!
I absolutely love cities. Everything about cities just makes me happy, the sites, the sounds, the culture, the people. There is nothing better then a big city to make you see just how wonderful life can really be. London to be absolutely the most amazing city I have ever lived in. I mean I love NYC don't get me wrong. It is the city that never sleeps, however, London just grows on you, like a broken in pair of jeans. You just can never leave home without them, and nothing makes you feel or look quite right if they are missing, that is how I feel about London. I just love how when you are here, you just feel right at home. No matter if you are here for a week, a month, or a year. It is just absolutely a wonderful city. I know there are many people who come to London, who may not feel the love I feel for this place, but I think if given a chance just about anyone can fall in love. From Big Ben, to the Tower Bridge, to changing of the guard, there are just somethings that if you are not here you just can never experience, the pomp and circumstance knows no limits. I know that London will not be my home forever, but the one thing that I know is that it will always hold a special place in my heart...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Donate for a good cause.....
Hey everyone,
One of my very very very good friends an amazing guy who has made my year in London thus far more then amazing will be cycling across Africa, all for a good cause. Please, Please if you can donate to his cause, this is an amazing undertaking, and he is going at it alone, with his bike, two racks full of supplies, and water. Just wanted to give him a shout out, and hopefully get him some donations. He leaves Sunday, and I wish him all of the best and will miss him tons!
Below is a link to where you can donate, and a link to his blog so you can follow his adventures. (donate) (blog)
One of my very very very good friends an amazing guy who has made my year in London thus far more then amazing will be cycling across Africa, all for a good cause. Please, Please if you can donate to his cause, this is an amazing undertaking, and he is going at it alone, with his bike, two racks full of supplies, and water. Just wanted to give him a shout out, and hopefully get him some donations. He leaves Sunday, and I wish him all of the best and will miss him tons!
Below is a link to where you can donate, and a link to his blog so you can follow his adventures. (donate) (blog)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Happy and Thankful!
For all those sweet messages, flowers, cards, phone calls, and coffee breaks....i love love love my absolutely amazing friends....
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
London, London, and more London

So the year mark is quickly approaching to the day that I set foot onto this lovely country, and city called London. It has been the most amazing experience ever. To be able to live in another country, to see Europe, but most of all to meet the most amazing, smart, and talented individuals on this side of the globe. So there are no complaints. When I first moved here I would watch shows like SATC and think about the times I spent in NYC, I would think about my friends, and I would think about how great and amazing the city is. Well now I feel the same way about London, because it really and truly has become a second home to me. For example last night I was taking a break from crazy dissertation writing and saw Notting Hill, one of my all time favorites, and as I was watching the scenes in that movie I could pinpoint places, and think of experiences that I have had there. I think of my days of shopping at Portebllo Market, and my wild goose chase trying to find the blue door and the garden that Julia Roberts sat in. This city just grows on you, the people grow on you (well as long as they are not pushing you and giving you a black eye) and the way of life grows on you. I think of my time here, and think about when I leave here how sad I will be and how every time I watch a movie or show that highlight London, how I will miss it. How I will miss the life I had here, and how I will miss the friends, I have made, but most of all I will miss the person that I was here, the down-to-earth fly by the seat of my pants girl that I became, the girl that thinks that she can do anything. I hope that the person I have become translates when I go back to the bring you down, tear you up and spit you out city that is NYC or any big city in the U.S., but at the end of the day I have to go home, as much as I love my life here, I love my family more......but until then, I will bask in the life and the place that is London. I will enjoy every second... and I will be grateful for the wonderful opportunities that I have had in life and for this once in a life time experience. So I am over and out to enjoy the sunshine of London, while its still her!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Roadless Traveled...
Sometimes in life you have success, sometimes you have failure, however, its how you deal with these events that defines you as a person. However, what does one do when they feel that the will to fight has just been taken away? How does when triumph over hardships when they feel as if they cannot fight anymore? Is there away to continue to fight the good fight, and how much fighting can one person do before they just throw in the towel? Will happiness ever come to the fighter, or is the fighter just left to keep on fighting? I wish I had the answer to these questions, I wish I knew the answer to ones happiness. I guess if anyone had these answers everyone would be a little bit better off. I used to say to continue the the good fight, but right now I have to just say the verdict is out...perhaps sometimes you need to take the blow, and see where it takes you...who knows...maybe there are signs out there I guess only time will tell!

Sunday, July 19, 2009
To my PhD Hero.....
A very special shout out needs to be given to my very best friend, who is quickly approaching the biggest day of her academic life, who will soon see all of her hard work pay off....Here is to your accomplishments, and to always sticking with it no matter how hard the road may have gotten. You are my PhD hero!!!!!!
Back In Londontown....
Hello Everyone,
So its been quite awhile since I have been on here, and updating the world on my adventures. Well that is because I was back home in the good old U.S. of A. It was an amazing trip spending time with my family and friends, and getting much needed rest from the world that I left behind in London. But now I am back and re-energized ready to take on the world, because that is what needs to be done. I am here to enjoy my time in this lovely place I call home for now, and focus on the task in front of me. Hold my head up high, know that I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to, and be positive that in the end everything will workout the way its suppose to work out. Here is to renewed energy, to rest and relaxation, and to falling back in love with this little country called the United Kingdom...cheers!!!!!
So its been quite awhile since I have been on here, and updating the world on my adventures. Well that is because I was back home in the good old U.S. of A. It was an amazing trip spending time with my family and friends, and getting much needed rest from the world that I left behind in London. But now I am back and re-energized ready to take on the world, because that is what needs to be done. I am here to enjoy my time in this lovely place I call home for now, and focus on the task in front of me. Hold my head up high, know that I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to, and be positive that in the end everything will workout the way its suppose to work out. Here is to renewed energy, to rest and relaxation, and to falling back in love with this little country called the United Kingdom...cheers!!!!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
So as my 31st birthday quickly approaches, I would like to take the time and reflect on my life so far, and how much I have been able to accomplish in this long yet short life. So lets see, in these 31 years I have managed to fight off a life threatening disease, go through some good old treatment regiments, have major surgery, loose my hair, grow it back, watch my kidney go crazy and somehow fix themselves, and finally become the healthy happy person I am today. All that in 31 years, wow, I am just amazed. But thats not all. I have traveled the world because that is what I promised myself I would do if I lived to tell the tail, I have lived in another country, and I have friends, from California, to the Australia (although there are some tiny island nations like Micronesia that stick out further out but lets not get too technical..heheheheh). My network covers the globe, and for that I am very grateful. I often sit around feeling sorry for myself, probably because at 31 I still have not found the love of my life, I am guessing he maybe out there, but he is not here now, but then I think about my life, and I really have no regrets, and I wonder if I would have ever settled for this guy or that guys would I be sitting here in my London flat telling the tail about my adventures in Europe, maybe, or maybe not, I have no way of knowing. So yes I may not have found my one true love yet, maybe I will maybe I wont I mean I surely hope that I do, but at least I can say that I have lived my life with no regrets, I have seen the world, I have made amazing friends, I am at a place in my life where I feel that I have accomplished all that I said I wanted to accomplish that day that I was told that you are very sick and it is going to be an uphill battle but we will get you through it, that day when I felt all the odds were stacked against me, I turned adversity into a plan, I gave myself something to live for, and I have lived it, and yes now there is so much more that I want to accomplish so much more I want to do, but as I sit here writing this, I know that there is nothing that can stop me, with my faith, and my determination, I will get through anything. Now all I have to do is find away to convince some guy to see all these great quality....I am sure someone will....its just not my time, but it will be and one day I will be telling my grandchildren all the wonderful things grandma has done and accomplish, and hopefully become a person they can look up to.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Oxfam 100km--

So its been a bit, but trust me things over on this side of the pond have been insane. For starters I am revising, revising, revising, which is the famous words of my dear friend Minal, "it's what the British call cramming." However, last week I was able to make it to Yorkshire for the Oxfam 100 km "walk" a walk I took as a joke. We had three teams going, and two of the teams went on weekend trips "walking" they were "training" my team well we were chillin. We took it so not serious that we did not even think that starting at 7:00am like the rest of the teams was necessary I mean come on now we need our beauty sleep. So after barely making it through registration since we did not have any of the "proper tools, i mean who needs tools for a walk. The trek tornado's when to sleep in prep for the walk. The walk started and at first it was nice. Check point one came and went. Then came the mountains, why not just one but 2 700m mountain where is the walking in hiking mountains. I still cannot answer that question. So two mountains, and 50 km later, my knee gave out and I was out for the count, and devastated at having to leave my two wonderful teammates that I was bonding with. However, they made it through...Walked a total of 30 hours no sleep, and all. Our team made it to the finish line in 30.40 (40 extra carrying me after injury) lack of equipment, lost of a teammate. We did it. The trek tornadoes proved everyone wrong, we bonded, we worked through an injury and we celebrated at the finish line. New friendships and all, so now its back to revising, back to PT, but feeling like a whole new different person for preserving and not letting go to the very end, till my knee was shatter what is a little pain for a good cause, and memories that will last a lifetime. The sites that I saw at the top of the mountains were breathe taking and no injury will ever take that away, to life, good friends and wonderful memories.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sometimes all that is left is wrapping your arms around each other and letting go...nothing last forever, and love ends, friendship end, but it is how we let go that makes us bigger people.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
To all of my friends.....

When I was little,
I used to believe in the concept of one best friend,
And then I started to become a woman.
And then I found out that if you allow your heart to open up,
God would show you the best in many friends.
One friend is needed when you're going through things with your man.
Another friend is needed when you're going through things with your mom.
Another will sit beside you in the bleachers as you delight in your
children and their activities.
Another when you want to shop, share, heal, hurt, joke, or just be.
One friend will say, 'Let's cry together,'
Another , 'Let's fight together,'
Another , 'Let's walk away together.'
One friend will meet your spiritual need,
Another your shoe fetish,
Another your love for movies,
Another will be with you in your season of confusion,
Another will be your clarifier,
Another the wind beneath your wings.
But whatever their assignment in your life,
On whatever the occasion,
On whatever the day,
Or wherever you need them to meet you with their gym shoes on and hair
pulled back,
Or to hold you back from making a complete fool of yourself .
Those are your best friends.
It may all be wrapped up in one woman, But for many, it's wrapped up in
One from 7th grade,
One from high school,
Several from the college years,
A couple from old jobs,
On some days your mother,
On some days your neighbor,
On others, your sisters,
And on some days, your daughters.
Thanks for being in my circle.
Friday, May 22, 2009
News Flash from the United Kingdom...

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Education ?!?

There comes a time in your life when you wonder just how much more learning your brain can take. At this point in my academic career I think my brain has had about enough, although the road is not over yet, I still have a thesis and dissertation to dish out, but for some reason they just seem a whole lot easier then the course work that I have had to deal with for all of these years. I moved to London with the sole purpose of experiencing another education system, and well to live in London. Throughout my educational experiences some good, and some bad, I never really thought about just how much I have learned, that is until today.
So I was sitting in a lecture about evidence to policy, this lady is ranting on about systemic reviews, briefs, synthesis of data, etc, and in that very moment it dawned on me, I know exactly what she is talking about, I know exactly how to perform all those things, I know how to manipulate data, I know how to write policy briefs, I know about systematic reviews, hell I even know how to talk to politicians because I did it for 2 years in Washington, DC as a Legislative Aide to a Congressman...I mean I know this stuff. So for the first time in my whole entire life I knew...I knew that all of my hard work and dedication is paying off, all of those 10s of thousands of dollars that I have invested on this brain of mine well it is paying off. The big pay out is still a few years away. But as I sat in that room today, I really felt like I knew something, like hey this little girl from the bronx can actually make a contribution to this world.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Procrastination, I am not sure how I can make this British or American no matter what country I am in I suffer from this terrible disease, why oh why have they not come up with a cure, and not not ritalin people....a permanent cure not an addiction...oh well such is life, but at some point i need to get back to work....wish me luck!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Spring Time In London

Yesterday, I as an American celebrated the most amazing woman on earth my mother and my best friend! The person that has guided me, and made me the person I am today. The person that I can always depend on no matter what! It was sad not to spend the day with her, but I hope that at least I could be there in spirit. Despite my sadness of not being home the great city of London who was not celebrating Mother's Day because they did so back in March, provided me with a lovely picturesque day. Spring in London is lovely (in proper British language) or should I say Brilliant! The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, the parks are filled with lovely pale bodies that have not seen the light of day since August when the sun went into hibernation. Yes Spring in London is quite lovely...So lovely that the killer pollen attacks you the minute you set your pretty little foot outside you pretty little flat. This pollen dare I say will attack your eyes, nose, mouth, you name it, it shows no mercy. Its like you almost need to think twice before setting that pretty little foot out of the door. I fear this pollen people, I have nightmares, about it, and it has now infiltrated my living quarters, as I said this pollen knows no limits. But alas the lovely parks and flowers, and sunshine make up for this killer pollen. There is nothing like a stroll in the park, or past Buckingham Palace to make you appreciate just how lucky you are to be in this beautiful country. Yes, yes I do complain, but everyday I set my pretty little foot out of my pretty little flat I say to myself, you are one lucky girl, you are blessed and fortunate to be here, and you should take everyday in and be grateful for this wonderful opportunity! So today I sign off saying I am blessed to have a wonderful mother, and I am also a very lucky girl to be able to say I live in London, and I am living the life I have always wanted to live, with that I am signing off, until next time, XOXO London Girl!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Increase Viewership

As for the new happenings in Londontown this American actually dared to wander to the suburbs of London, and to my surprise I quite liked it. It was much like an episode of Sex and the City the girls get off the train, and look around as if we have never seen a tree or a car, how dare these folks plant trees and drive cars, what is the world coming too.
It was actually quite funny because the biggest worry on everyone's mind throughout our stay was whether or not we would catch the last tube home, my how would one get home from the suburbs. The world as we know it could have possibly ended.
But alas we made it home with several tubes to go before the complete shut down of the system, folks I am not in NYC anymore the days of 24 hour 7 day a week transport are long gone...such is the life of a Londoner....And as for this one she is signing off, until next....XOXO NY-LON
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Thank you for being a friend.....
Friends are the world greatest blessing in disguise. You never really know the people who will truly be your friends for the long haul, either because we judge or we distrust people's intentions, but surely at the end of the day despite whatever reservations you may have about people your friends are always there for you to make life just a little bit easier.
I am very blessed with a wonderful group of friends. I am a very private, and low key person, so my inner circle is very small, but although small, this inner circle comprises of the most amazing, most compassionate groups of people I know. Through tick and thin, through illnesses and heart ache my friends have always been there to support me, and make me feel special, and for that I feel very blessed.
We often do not take the time to thank our friends, and tell them how special they are to us. I try and tell my friends how much I love them and care for them but perhaps I may not do this enough. Being so far away from home and away from my friends, I thought would make the bonds weaken, but instead my friendships have only grown.
Friendships to me are like an extended family, and I am fortunate to have such a wonderful and loving family.
I am very blessed with a wonderful group of friends. I am a very private, and low key person, so my inner circle is very small, but although small, this inner circle comprises of the most amazing, most compassionate groups of people I know. Through tick and thin, through illnesses and heart ache my friends have always been there to support me, and make me feel special, and for that I feel very blessed.
We often do not take the time to thank our friends, and tell them how special they are to us. I try and tell my friends how much I love them and care for them but perhaps I may not do this enough. Being so far away from home and away from my friends, I thought would make the bonds weaken, but instead my friendships have only grown.
Friendships to me are like an extended family, and I am fortunate to have such a wonderful and loving family.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Fear of Flying
Well as most of you know, I have a very serious fear of flying. I do not know why, I guess because the thought of flying to me is just very unnatural, however, it is the best and fastest way of transportation throughout the world. And this was no exception in Ethiopia. Travel throughout the country is restricted to buses, cars, and air. Well its a big country and if you want to see it the best way is by air from one place to another, and Ethiopia has its share of air travel, and a lovely fleet of propeller planes, which just gave me the creeps looking at them. Everytime I walked the tarmac to my new destination I saw my life flash before my very eyes. The fear just got worse and worse with each flight but somehow I survived. I must say that each time the plane malfunctioned we were switched to a new and "improved" plane which never seemed to make me feel better, and the animated stories provided by everyone...where do I start Jennifer, there is no need to fear there was this one time when the engine blew on flight, and we managed to land safely, Jennifer don't be scared last time I was on the plane there was so much turbulence that everyone was holding on for dear life, and praying, but you will be fine. From those stories you can see how my fear of flying grew worse with each trip. However, I must say that despite my fear, and irrational fear of death just looking at the plane 14 take offs and landing later I am still alive and breathing, and had an absolute wonderful time holding on for dear life on my propeller laden flights from one part of Ethiopia to is full of surprises......
So as mentioned on my eariler blog I am back in Londontown from my adventures in Africa. I was fortunate enough to be able to go visit my friend who is currently working for an NGO in the Somali region of Ethiopia in a town called Jijiga. I have to say that this was by far the most best part of my trip not just for the simple fact that I could to go to the refugee camps, and see with my own two eyes exactly what is happening, and all of the hardships that the refugees must endure, but also because despite the poverty and heartache, these women, and children welcomed me with open arms, and made me feel like I was no different then them.
Travel to and from the camps was done in the usual NGO white truck, I had always wanted to ride one of these, having worked for UNICEF, and seeing people riding in these cars always made me want to just ride in one, not sure why, perhaps I had a complex of being a knight in white shiny armor, this fantasy was short lived, because all it provided me with was almost a sense of entitlement that I really did not like, but one that I am afforded due to where I come from. Yet despite all these crazy emotions I was able to enjoy the regular life of a resident in the area....
My favorite mode of transportation while visiting had to be the little blue taxi's bajajas...I just loved these things, they were so much fun, but the best part of riding them was bargining with the driver, who always had to charge the foreign aka ferengi price. The best times I had was riding around with my new friends from the area and hearing them get into fights with the drivers saying how they were paying and how it should be habasu price vs frenghi price. I just loved the highly entertaining discourse, it made from some nice entertainment. If anyone is to go into this area I highly recommend this form of transportation, why they are not everywhere is beyond me, they would really make life a whole lot easier...hehehehehehe.
Travel to and from the camps was done in the usual NGO white truck, I had always wanted to ride one of these, having worked for UNICEF, and seeing people riding in these cars always made me want to just ride in one, not sure why, perhaps I had a complex of being a knight in white shiny armor, this fantasy was short lived, because all it provided me with was almost a sense of entitlement that I really did not like, but one that I am afforded due to where I come from. Yet despite all these crazy emotions I was able to enjoy the regular life of a resident in the area....

Hello Everyone,
I am so sorry that I have been MIA, but I am finally back from my adventures in Ethiopia, and boy was it a wonderful adventure. Everyday that I spent there I can say I experienced some intense emotions. Whether due to poverty, and injustice, or just due to my inability to understand certain things about culture and what not.
But overall my experiences were amazing, and I am looking forward to my next visit to see my very good friend, and the many friends that I made along the way. Who would have thought that a two week journey could make friendships that will last a lifetime!
I am so sorry that I have been MIA, but I am finally back from my adventures in Ethiopia, and boy was it a wonderful adventure. Everyday that I spent there I can say I experienced some intense emotions. Whether due to poverty, and injustice, or just due to my inability to understand certain things about culture and what not.
But overall my experiences were amazing, and I am looking forward to my next visit to see my very good friend, and the many friends that I made along the way. Who would have thought that a two week journey could make friendships that will last a lifetime!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I laughed, and then I cried....
Everyday we are filled with emotions. Some good and some bad. I spent the day worrying about my economics modeling and laughing at the thought of not having to see another model for a long time. I got home and received very unexpected and not so good news, that broke my heart in two.
We walk around everyday, going through the motions, not knowing what the world will bring us...its not fair that cards are dealt the way they are...There are good days, and there are bad days, I guess its how we over come those bad days that makes us better people. In my short yet long life I have experienced a lot, some good and some bad, but there was always the one constant person there to help me through it all, how now do I give back even just a little of all I have gotten from the only constant in my life. I guess I will laugh and I will cry, but in the end I will remain strong and be there for the person I love most in this world....
We walk around everyday, going through the motions, not knowing what the world will bring us...its not fair that cards are dealt the way they are...There are good days, and there are bad days, I guess its how we over come those bad days that makes us better people. In my short yet long life I have experienced a lot, some good and some bad, but there was always the one constant person there to help me through it all, how now do I give back even just a little of all I have gotten from the only constant in my life. I guess I will laugh and I will cry, but in the end I will remain strong and be there for the person I love most in this world....
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Travel, Travel and More Travel

Hello All, well I hope you are all well and enjoying the first signs of spring. Although for my fellow New Yorkers I hear that spring came with a little friend called snow, I hope that friend is long gone. As for Londontown, its sun and lovely weather all around. But as I write this I maybe setting up a jink and tomorrow the skys will be gray and cold.
So I am writing to update all on my future world travels. In two short weeks, I will be embarking on a trip to Africa, Ethiopia to be exact. I will be visiting my very good friend Jody. I am very much looking forward to my visit, 1. because I have never been there, and 2. because I get to see my friend in action. A truly amazing person who has dedicated most of her life to helping those less fortunate then herself. She is a hard worker, and a wonderful person who gives her all to all that need her most. I am very fortunate to have such an amazing friend.
Currently she is planning our amazing trip around the country. I will be arriving in Addis, where we will be spending a few days there, and then heading out to the camps to get some work done (well her, and hopefully there is something I can do). We then are planning on going to jijiga, gonder, and finally laibela. I am very excited about my trip not just because it sounds like it is going to be an amazing experience, but because I get to spend some time with my friend. After months of being in a new country (even though I do love it here), and being away from your friends, nothing is better then spending time with the people you love. I am looking forward to catching up, and taking lots of pictures to show you all where my adventures have taken me. Enjoy the sunshine everyone, for spring is slowly blossoming all around us...its new beginning, and new adventures cherish the small moments that make life so special! Sending love your way London Girl is signing off...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Inspector Gadget...

Hello Everyone...Man its been a while. So sorry about that...I have been so disconnected, but many of you know why. But I am back! I want to start off by giving shout outs to my visitors from Orlando, Florida and New York, NY so good to see my home states representin...okay so now onto why ya'll come to this page to read...
So today was one of those days, meeting after meeting, it was so bad I completely forgot about one and arrived 30 minutes late stellar performance on my part. But alas this is the meeting this whole post is all about. So as many of you know the life of a researcher is pretty difficult you spend so much time searching for answers, but many times yielding zero gains. So today at my meeting that I was 30 minutes late for...a meeting I was eager to go to since...I the American Living in London had a major research finding, at least that is what I thought this was going to blow the tobacco trade market right open....okay not really but in my head that is what I was thinking. So I am sitting there divulging my big find. I see him agreeing with me, and then he says good, but you should look into this angle of course no major finding yet again, but he says well looks like you are making progress how does that make you feel. In my head I am thinking like a true researcher, investigator, but what comes out of my glorious mouth nothing other then "Inspector Gadget" yes ladies and gentlemen you are reading correctly "Inspector Gadget" how smart did I sound, this poor man had no idea what I was talking about, but oh well...he moved on, and I am here telling the tale. Yes I did feel like an idiot, but people that was my all time favorite cartoon. I loved loved loved that show. Although, Inspector gadget was not my favorite character, yes he did posses the go go gadget legs, that I would die for and they really only need to make me like 3 inches taller, but no that was not my character my character was Penny. Now she was the true inspector. I loved all her gadgets, and her little sidekick dog, her little notebook, the list goes on and on. I aspired to be like her. So lets see how close I have come to being penny...well lets see I love gadgets, and probably own more then most girls out there, hmm the dog I do not have one, but I am like a walking dog whisper they just flock to me, all I need is the blondish/red hair and the backpack that I would never carry (becaue backpacks are so not me), and I will be set. oh and lets not forget that today I had my big breakthrough if only for a second so I guess I am one step closer to becoming Penny the true inspector after all. Well thought I would share a little funny story or at least funny to me since it has been awhile...But stay tuned because I have major travel tips coming up in the next few weeks, since I have been racking up some miles lately. So I am over and out for tonight, but ya'll come back now!!!!! Go Go Gadget Post, and I am out!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Life is full of unexpected surprises....
So the last few days have been filled with unexpected surprises, for starters I have received some unexpected gifts in the mail. Although, most say its to be expected, I was not expecting it, so indeed it was a surprise for me. I tend to pretty much have very low expectations on things. Perhaps that is because I just maybe scared to be disappointed. I have been disappointed by so many people so many times, that it only seems fair that I should live without expectations. I think that for me seeing things this way can only leave room for less disappointment. I also enjoy receiving the unexpected when things do workout (on those rare occasions) so I guess in the end things always workout for the best, be it good or here is to the unexpected...may life mysteries just blow me away, because sometimes that is just what I need to get me through the day!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Just in need of a break....

So the last few days have been filled with Tobacco Policy Paper writing, followed by loads of reading on the economics of changing America's health care system.....The verdict is still out on whether that will ever happen, but a paper of great quality must be written by friday's deadline, so in my procrastination to do this I decided to take to my blog and write about absolutely nothing, and entertain my readers with random thoughts as I listen to the John Mayer accept his Grammy for something or the other....
What I will talk about today is that Hallmark Holiday that America has managed to commercialize all over the world. On Saturday all those happily in love will go out to romantic dinners, and celebrate their love....Should this not be something that you celebrate everyday? Or is this day just extra special because you get to actually display to all those around you just how much you love that special some? I sure hope not the latter because that only means that I will have to endure extra make sessions on every corner of Kings Cross two very close friends here in London can attest to that!!! Man these Brits are just so passionate that no corner can be left untouched....Displays of love... are.... how should I put it....hmmm their specialty. But I guess I will just have to see for myself and report back what I see...
But for all of you in love, I do wish you all a very happy evening, but just remember everyday is valentines day.....don't let hallmark dictate when you should tell the one you love that you love them.....
Well those are my thoughts for the I am over and out!
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Is facebook the wave of the future. I could not help but wonder when I was reading an article in the New York Times, and hit the option key to share with my friends. What do I find under the share links, nothing other then facebook. Share with your friends on facebook, isn't it enough that we share everything with people on facebook, now we are even sharing what we read in the newspaper. I could not help but wonder is facebook the wave of our future when it comes to communication..for generations to come? For starters if it was not for facebook, I would not even know how anyone was doing. I get updates every second of everyone's life, including my own. Its amazing how this one little websites allows us all to stay in touch, no longer do we to pick up a phone to say hello. We can even post notes for our friends, to tell them 25 little things about me...that i never told you, but now will share with the world...I find the concept fascinating but at the same time a little scary. Is facebook going to be the way we all hear about one another, will all our communication be done through the world wide web? My guess is probably....but I guess only time will tell....trends do come and go, but from where I sit this one seems like it has some lasting power. So to all you facebook fanatics out there...Jennifer is writing on her blog about facebook...Go Figure!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States

On January 20th 2009 the United States of America will be making history by swearing in the first Black President of the United States. This is a very historical moment for all especailly minorities since the United States has been a country filled with racism. Millions of American will be flocking to the States Capitol to watch President Elect Obama take his oath as the 44th President of America. And for years to come we will all be retelling the story of where we were on the day that Mr. Obama took office.
I for one will be in Lonon, United Kingdom, and with a host of fellow Americans will be watching from an Inaugural Ball being held in his honor. We will all be telling our tales of how history was made on the Run for the White House....Not just was the first black President elected, but it was also the first time a Woman made it close to becoming our President, now that woman that will be representing us with all U.S. foreign policy. This election is not just about who won, but it was an election for everyone to believe that they have a voice, and that their voice is heard, and that dreams do come true, all you have to do is believe.
I for one now am a believer. I believe that with hard work that I can make anything happen, and I also believe that I have a right to vote, and that no matter where in the world I am I can exercise that right, and by doing so I helped to play a part in American history from afar.
So on Inauguration night, I along with my friends who exercised our right, and believed will be watching a magnificent man take the oath as the 44th President of the United States, and for the rest of our lives we will be talking about this event that we all played a major role in creating.
Hope you all enjoy this wonderful day, because reguardless of who you voted for, this is a moment to be remembered and that will go down in history as a magnificent event.
Friday, January 9, 2009
2009...the year I have been waiting for!

Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! I am so sorry that I have not written in so long. It has been really crazy. For starters my baby brother just got married on December 20th 2008. It was a beautiful cereamony held in Orlando, Florida. I spent a very relaxing 4 weeks surrounded by family and friends.
But now I am back in Londontown, to start off 2009 for the year I have labeled as mine...why is it mine is because for the first time I am very optimistic I am finally in a place in my life where I feel very happy, and very positive, and with the help of the almighty I have a feeling that 2009 will be filled with my new adventures, and wonderful life changes that I am ready to embrace.
This evening the London Crew and I had our little reunion. We visited the local pub Norfolk Pub, and caught up on our christmas break adventures. At the pub my friend Monica introduced me to mulled wine, the name to me sounded really disgusting, however one taste and I was hooked, it was an alcoholic version of apple cider, warm yummy wine in the freezing temps is just what the doctor ordered!
Tomorrow Monica and I are taking the leap to try out speed dating again something that I thought I would never do, its not my thing, however, it is quite the craze here in London so we figured why not, what a better way to spend your Saturday evening then with a good friend, and hopefully some cute expectations on this end, but I am excited to see what this is all about, who said I can't have a fun Saturday night.
I will keep you all posted on how that turns out, but for now I am over and out....sending all of my love JT
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