Hello All, well I hope you are all well and enjoying the first signs of spring. Although for my fellow New Yorkers I hear that spring came with a little friend called snow, I hope that friend is long gone. As for Londontown, its sun and lovely weather all around. But as I write this I maybe setting up a jink and tomorrow the skys will be gray and cold.
So I am writing to update all on my future world travels. In two short weeks, I will be embarking on a trip to Africa, Ethiopia to be exact. I will be visiting my very good friend Jody. I am very much looking forward to my visit, 1. because I have never been there, and 2. because I get to see my friend in action. A truly amazing person who has dedicated most of her life to helping those less fortunate then herself. She is a hard worker, and a wonderful person who gives her all to all that need her most. I am very fortunate to have such an amazing friend.
Currently she is planning our amazing trip around the country. I will be arriving in Addis, where we will be spending a few days there, and then heading out to the camps to get some work done (well her, and hopefully there is something I can do). We then are planning on going to jijiga, gonder, and finally laibela. I am very excited about my trip not just because it sounds like it is going to be an amazing experience, but because I get to spend some time with my friend. After months of being in a new country (even though I do love it here), and being away from your friends, nothing is better then spending time with the people you love. I am looking forward to catching up, and taking lots of pictures to show you all where my adventures have taken me. Enjoy the sunshine everyone, for spring is slowly blossoming all around us...its new beginning, and new adventures cherish the small moments that make life so special! Sending love your way London Girl is signing off...
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