On January 20th 2009 the United States of America will be making history by swearing in the first Black President of the United States. This is a very historical moment for all especailly minorities since the United States has been a country filled with racism. Millions of American will be flocking to the States Capitol to watch President Elect Obama take his oath as the 44th President of America. And for years to come we will all be retelling the story of where we were on the day that Mr. Obama took office.
I for one will be in Lonon, United Kingdom, and with a host of fellow Americans will be watching from an Inaugural Ball being held in his honor. We will all be telling our tales of how history was made on the Run for the White House....Not just was the first black President elected, but it was also the first time a Woman made it close to becoming our President, now that woman that will be representing us with all U.S. foreign policy. This election is not just about who won, but it was an election for everyone to believe that they have a voice, and that their voice is heard, and that dreams do come true, all you have to do is believe.
I for one now am a believer. I believe that with hard work that I can make anything happen, and I also believe that I have a right to vote, and that no matter where in the world I am I can exercise that right, and by doing so I helped to play a part in American history from afar.
So on Inauguration night, I along with my friends who exercised our right, and believed will be watching a magnificent man take the oath as the 44th President of the United States, and for the rest of our lives we will be talking about this event that we all played a major role in creating.
Hope you all enjoy this wonderful day, because reguardless of who you voted for, this is a moment to be remembered and that will go down in history as a magnificent event.
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