So as mentioned on my eariler blog I am back in Londontown from my adventures in Africa. I was fortunate enough to be able to go visit my friend who is currently working for an NGO in the Somali region of Ethiopia in a town called Jijiga. I have to say that this was by far the most best part of my trip not just for the simple fact that I could to go to the refugee camps, and see with my own two eyes exactly what is happening, and all of the hardships that the refugees must endure, but also because despite the poverty and heartache, these women, and children welcomed me with open arms, and made me feel like I was no different then them.
Travel to and from the camps was done in the usual NGO white truck, I had always wanted to ride one of these, having worked for UNICEF, and seeing people riding in these cars always made me want to just ride in one, not sure why, perhaps I had a complex of being a knight in white shiny armor, this fantasy was short lived, because all it provided me with was almost a sense of entitlement that I really did not like, but one that I am afforded due to where I come from. Yet despite all these crazy emotions I was able to enjoy the regular life of a resident in the area....

My favorite mode of transportation while visiting had to be the little blue taxi's bajajas...I just loved these things, they were so much fun, but the best part of riding them was bargining with the driver, who always had to charge the foreign aka ferengi price. The best times I had was riding around with my new friends from the area and hearing them get into fights with the drivers saying how they were paying and how it should be habasu price vs frenghi price. I just loved the highly entertaining discourse, it made from some nice entertainment. If anyone is to go into this area I highly recommend this form of transportation, why they are not everywhere is beyond me, they would really make life a whole lot easier...hehehehehehe.
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