Today people around the world remember the vicious attacks of 9/11. Despite your feelings for Americans today we stand with them in solidarity for the 2, 752 lives that were lost on the tragic day that planes struck the Twin Towers, The Pentagon, and a patch of land in Pennsylvania.
I think pretty much everyone can remember where they were and what they were doing during those moments when the TV showed a plane crashing into the first tower. I remember I was in Albuquerque, NM. I remember turning on my roommates small little TV to watch the today show a daily morning ritual when I caught the sight of the plane just having hit the tower. I was in disbelief this could not be real, this had to be some stunt, what movie was filming, I continued to get ready volume off, then it happened again, wait what, I don't get it volume up, and then the reporting flooded in, this was real this was more then real, sights of people falling out of the building what later became known as people jumping out of offices. I immediately thought of all those I knew in NYC my friend Michael and Andrea all of who worked very close to the towers, were they safe, is this for real. I head to the office and reality begins to sink in as everyone talks about the tragedy, all news station play the same story. I call my parents please call everyone parents see how they are, no response. The days goes on towers fall, Pentagon hit, plane crashes in Pennsylvania, cannot believe this, am numb, NYC is my home always has been always will be this is not real. 11:45 pm news from friends they are safe not home still walking but safe, relief, but still so many lost, the wreckage is hard to see, the firefighters, and police struggle to find survivors, its bleak, but life must go on.
Now eight years later I remember the victims, I remember this day, I grieve with those who lost loved one who will never forget this day, I remember and will never forget, but they will never be the same, this tragedy hunts them everyday, not sure if they will ever be the same, but on this day I stand with them and send my love. Today is very different from the day when the attacks came it is cold and windy, rainy, many clouds in the sky unlike that picture perfect day eight years ago, but at 12:20 EST when the last names were read and HERO was sung by the choir there was a pause in the wind, a clearing in the sky, and the ceremony concluded, those HEROS where there today, looking down at their loved ones saying "we remember" and we love you, and "we will never forget"
Never Forget Always Remember......
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