Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Embracing my New Life in the US.....

So at some point i had to begin to embrace my life back in the US. This blog post is to officially announce that I am embracing my life back in the US. Since my arrival so much has changed in my life. For starters I am living in an awesome apartment in Hoboken, NJ. Yes, you read that correctly New Jersey. Never in a million years did I ever think I would call New Jersey home but alas that is where I live and I actually love it.
Hoboken is this quaint little town with tons of restaurants, little shops and plenty of bars, not to mention a ton of young professionals so I cannot complain, and at only a short ride to the city I get the best of both worlds. I can live in my quaint little town, or be back in the hustle and bustle of the city in less than 15 minutes so not bad at all.
Also, since my move back home I also acquired a little bundle of joy named Bailey. Weighing in at a total of 4lbs he is the love of my life. He brings noting but joy to my day to day life. Having him has increased my quality of life ten fold. I mean someone who is always happy to see you is the way to go my friends!
And the last thing that makes me sooooo happy to be home is well once again I have access to Bloomies and Saks and Henri Bendel....the shopping capital of the world has everything I need, and well having that at my disposal is the best thing that could happen to any girl! Not that London shopping was not good...i mean come on they set all kinds of trends, but NYC is NYC and you gotta love everyones sense of style and fashion and there is just no place like it.
So at the end of the day my love for Londontown will never die. I would love to be able to travel there as much as humanly possible, but being back in NYC makes me very happy. There is something to be said about a New Yorker...like the famous Frank Sinatra song goes "if you can make it here you can make it anywhere" I truly believe this its the city of dreams, the concrete jungle, the place people dream of living I am lucky to be able to call this place home!
So here we go....NYC i am back Londontown you will always hold a special place in my heart!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

New York how I love to hate you....

My relationship with New York has been a long one.. For starters I was born and raised In this fine city! However my parents left the big apple for the Palm trees and beaches of sunny Florida. For as long as I can remember I looked forward to the day I could come back to the city that never sleeps. And that fine day came with my acceptance letter to Columbia University. Since then I have made the city my home. But not without some struggles along the way.

This city has beat me down more than it has made me feel good. From mean bosses, to being underpaid at work...to crazy rents in tiny apartments where I can if I brought in a friend we would end up being more then friends. Yet every time the prospect of leaving this crazy place arises all I can do is think just how much I would miss this place.

Gone would be the days of setting at Bryant park and watching free movies, running in central park, broadway shows, a open corner store no matter what time it is...great culture, and friends at my disposal 7 days a week.

Yes I love to hate new york but it's true what they say this is the city that dreams are made of.....this is the city where if you make it here you can make it anywhere...

This is New York and living here makes me a better person everyday!!

So here is to another year of struggling and to waiting for my big break which I know is just around the corner....because if it's going to happen anywhere it's going to be here!!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

A few minutes ago I left the theater after having seen he movie eat, pray, love. Again, I found myself on the same journey that begun a little over three years ago, when my friend recommended I read this book after my heart was broken. The journey in this book made me explore my own life, and what it was that I wanted in life. Since the journey with this book begun I have travelled a little of the world. I relocated my life from New York to London....perhaps not the feat that our heroine Melissa Gilbert took on, but nevertheless my own journey into how to find myself and how to find love again. My journey took me to another country, and also to places I would have never thought I would ever visit. This journey lead to friendships and adventures that I will always cherish. But one important thing that I found in this journey was myself. I finally found my inner voice, and I finally learned to love, not just to love, but to love for me and not for everyone else.

Next month will mark a year since I returned from my journey. In the past year I lost sight of what it was that i learned while abroad, I lost sight of that inner love for myself that I found out there. I lost sight of the peace that not only I found,but that Melissa found on her journey. Watching the movie made me think that its not about our sorrounding it is about what we let into our lives that makes the difference. We need to open our lives to postive energy and let ourselves shine though. It is almost a blessing that this movie was released just when it did, because just at the moment I was saved by the book, I have been rejuvenated by the movie. Who would have thought.....to new beginnings, and to never forgetting who I am and what I want!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

NYC Half Marathon

Wow, it has been a while since I have been on this page. I am sure I have been missed, but I am going to make it a thing to make sure and come back at least once a week. I mean I started this blog to inform people of life and things in general and I have fallen off the bandwagon.
During that break I did something pretty out of this world people, well at least for me.... I ran the NYC half marathon!!!! And boy was it the hardest thing I have ever done. I ran it through the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, I raised a little over 1800 thanks to the support of my family and friends.
Let me tell you about this race people, it starts off in central park where you run a little over 8 miles, the invisible hills I must say are the killers as I ran up and down up and down, all I could think to myself was man I should have trained more in the park. At mile 8 you take a left out of the park towards 57th and 7 and run towards TIME SQUARE! yes you heard that correctly, I ran through the busiest tourist area in NYC. It was just absolutely amazing, during the times square run they had broadway performances and some bands playing for a second there I forgot I was running. All the entertainment and the lights defintely subsided the pain my hips were providing me with.
At mile 10 you take another left unto the westside highway where you run towards the finish line, and this is the moment I have to give a shout out to my two very amazing pacers Joseph and Katie, if it was not for there support I would have jumped on the yellow bus and called it a day, instead with their help, I ran to chambers street and collected my medal!
Here's to challenges without them we would never know what we are capable of, but most importantly this one was for all those effected by cancer and those that have died....you all give me the inspiration to keep going and try to push myself the extra mile.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lucky Charm!!!!!

Wish me luck world!!!! I need it!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Attitude

Who said that 70's disco cannot plan a role in life. In 1973 the Pointer Sister's released the hit single I've Got A New Attitude. A song which by my standard should be part of everyone's inner anthem. Its a song about starting a new, letting go of hardships, and moving on in a positive new direction. The last few weeks I have been down in the dumps because well things just have not gone my way. But you know after a fabulous weekend with a good friend, and a great book recommendation, and a listen to the Pointer Sister's I have a feeling of moving in a more positive direction. No more looking at what is not working, no, now I must focus on how to take what I have and make it work. Life is never perfect, there are many struggles along the way, but hey, there are also great times and opportunities, that are out there you just have to figure out how to stay positive so that good things can come your way. Its like they say in the Secret you know that little book Oprah had on her show that changed the lives of millions out there. According to the Secret if you want something to happen then you have to put it out to the Universe, and the Universe will in turn help you get what you want. Well you know what I too at this time want something really bad, and guess what I have put it out to the Universe, so now Its waiting time, but despite what happens, at least I have a new attitude no more sadness over things out of my control it positive thinking for me. Here is to new beginnings!!!!! And to the start of something wonderful!!!!!!