My relationship with New York has been a long one.. For starters I was born and raised In this fine city! However my parents left the big apple for the Palm trees and beaches of sunny Florida. For as long as I can remember I looked forward to the day I could come back to the city that never sleeps. And that fine day came with my acceptance letter to Columbia University. Since then I have made the city my home. But not without some struggles along the way.
This city has beat me down more than it has made me feel good. From mean bosses, to being underpaid at crazy rents in tiny apartments where I can if I brought in a friend we would end up being more then friends. Yet every time the prospect of leaving this crazy place arises all I can do is think just how much I would miss this place.
Gone would be the days of setting at Bryant park and watching free movies, running in central park, broadway shows, a open corner store no matter what time it is...great culture, and friends at my disposal 7 days a week.
Yes I love to hate new york but it's true what they say this is the city that dreams are made of.....this is the city where if you make it here you can make it anywhere...
This is New York and living here makes me a better person everyday!!
So here is to another year of struggling and to waiting for my big break which I know is just around the corner....because if it's going to happen anywhere it's going to be here!!!!
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