Everyday we are filled with emotions. Some good and some bad. I spent the day worrying about my economics modeling and laughing at the thought of not having to see another model for a long time. I got home and received very unexpected and not so good news, that broke my heart in two.
We walk around everyday, going through the motions, not knowing what the world will bring us...its not fair that cards are dealt the way they are...There are good days, and there are bad days, I guess its how we over come those bad days that makes us better people. In my short yet long life I have experienced a lot, some good and some bad, but there was always the one constant person there to help me through it all, how now do I give back even just a little of all I have gotten from the only constant in my life. I guess I will laugh and I will cry, but in the end I will remain strong and be there for the person I love most in this world....
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Travel, Travel and More Travel

Hello All, well I hope you are all well and enjoying the first signs of spring. Although for my fellow New Yorkers I hear that spring came with a little friend called snow, I hope that friend is long gone. As for Londontown, its sun and lovely weather all around. But as I write this I maybe setting up a jink and tomorrow the skys will be gray and cold.
So I am writing to update all on my future world travels. In two short weeks, I will be embarking on a trip to Africa, Ethiopia to be exact. I will be visiting my very good friend Jody. I am very much looking forward to my visit, 1. because I have never been there, and 2. because I get to see my friend in action. A truly amazing person who has dedicated most of her life to helping those less fortunate then herself. She is a hard worker, and a wonderful person who gives her all to all that need her most. I am very fortunate to have such an amazing friend.
Currently she is planning our amazing trip around the country. I will be arriving in Addis, where we will be spending a few days there, and then heading out to the camps to get some work done (well her, and hopefully there is something I can do). We then are planning on going to jijiga, gonder, and finally laibela. I am very excited about my trip not just because it sounds like it is going to be an amazing experience, but because I get to spend some time with my friend. After months of being in a new country (even though I do love it here), and being away from your friends, nothing is better then spending time with the people you love. I am looking forward to catching up, and taking lots of pictures to show you all where my adventures have taken me. Enjoy the sunshine everyone, for spring is slowly blossoming all around us...its new beginning, and new adventures cherish the small moments that make life so special! Sending love your way London Girl is signing off...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Inspector Gadget...

Hello Everyone...Man its been a while. So sorry about that...I have been so disconnected, but many of you know why. But I am back! I want to start off by giving shout outs to my visitors from Orlando, Florida and New York, NY so good to see my home states representin...okay so now onto why ya'll come to this page to read...
So today was one of those days, meeting after meeting, it was so bad I completely forgot about one and arrived 30 minutes late stellar performance on my part. But alas this is the meeting this whole post is all about. So as many of you know the life of a researcher is pretty difficult you spend so much time searching for answers, but many times yielding zero gains. So today at my meeting that I was 30 minutes late for...a meeting I was eager to go to since...I the American Living in London had a major research finding, at least that is what I thought this was going to blow the tobacco trade market right open....okay not really but in my head that is what I was thinking. So I am sitting there divulging my big find. I see him agreeing with me, and then he says good, but you should look into this angle of course no major finding yet again, but he says well looks like you are making progress how does that make you feel. In my head I am thinking like a true researcher, investigator, but what comes out of my glorious mouth nothing other then "Inspector Gadget" yes ladies and gentlemen you are reading correctly "Inspector Gadget" how smart did I sound, this poor man had no idea what I was talking about, but oh well...he moved on, and I am here telling the tale. Yes I did feel like an idiot, but people that was my all time favorite cartoon. I loved loved loved that show. Although, Inspector gadget was not my favorite character, yes he did posses the go go gadget legs, that I would die for and they really only need to make me like 3 inches taller, but no that was not my character my character was Penny. Now she was the true inspector. I loved all her gadgets, and her little sidekick dog, her little notebook, the list goes on and on. I aspired to be like her. So lets see how close I have come to being penny...well lets see I love gadgets, and probably own more then most girls out there, hmm the dog I do not have one, but I am like a walking dog whisper they just flock to me, all I need is the blondish/red hair and the backpack that I would never carry (becaue backpacks are so not me), and I will be set. oh and lets not forget that today I had my big breakthrough if only for a second so I guess I am one step closer to becoming Penny the true inspector after all. Well thought I would share a little funny story or at least funny to me since it has been awhile...But stay tuned because I have major travel tips coming up in the next few weeks, since I have been racking up some miles lately. So I am over and out for tonight, but ya'll come back now!!!!! Go Go Gadget Post, and I am out!
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