Monday, July 27, 2009

Roadless Traveled...

Sometimes in life you have success, sometimes you have failure, however, its how you deal with these events that defines you as a person. However, what does one do when they feel that the will to fight has just been taken away? How does when triumph over hardships when they feel as if they cannot fight anymore? Is there away to continue to fight the good fight, and how much fighting can one person do before they just throw in the towel? Will happiness ever come to the fighter, or is the fighter just left to keep on fighting? I wish I had the answer to these questions, I wish I knew the answer to ones happiness. I guess if anyone had these answers everyone would be a little bit better off. I used to say to continue the the good fight, but right now I have to just say the verdict is out...perhaps sometimes you need to take the blow, and see where it takes you...who knows...maybe there are signs out there I guess only time will tell!
So again I have been away from the blog world, but this time its because I had my first official guest. My dear friend Aronte. We torn this little London town by storm. We left no corner uncovered. It was great to have such a good friend around, but so sad to have her leave. But alas my dear friend leaves London town for greener pastures. This amazing friend of mine is off to Philly to become a Professor at Villanova University in Philadelphia. These amazing friends of mine just never cease to amaze me. Everyone one of their successes makes me proud, and lets me know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. So this one is for Professor Bennett, wishing you all the luck in the world, and congratulating you on a job well done! Thanks for your visit, thanks for inspiring me, and overall just thanks for being such a great friend!!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

To my PhD Hero.....

A very special shout out needs to be given to my very best friend, who is quickly approaching the biggest day of her academic life, who will soon see all of her hard work pay off....Here is to your accomplishments, and to always sticking with it no matter how hard the road may have gotten. You are my PhD hero!!!!!!

Back In Londontown....

Hello Everyone,
So its been quite awhile since I have been on here, and updating the world on my adventures. Well that is because I was back home in the good old U.S. of A. It was an amazing trip spending time with my family and friends, and getting much needed rest from the world that I left behind in London. But now I am back and re-energized ready to take on the world, because that is what needs to be done. I am here to enjoy my time in this lovely place I call home for now, and focus on the task in front of me. Hold my head up high, know that I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to, and be positive that in the end everything will workout the way its suppose to work out. Here is to renewed energy, to rest and relaxation, and to falling back in love with this little country called the United Kingdom...cheers!!!!!