So as my 31st birthday quickly approaches, I would like to take the time and reflect on my life so far, and how much I have been able to accomplish in this long yet short life. So lets see, in these 31 years I have managed to fight off a life threatening disease, go through some good old treatment regiments, have major surgery, loose my hair, grow it back, watch my kidney go crazy and somehow fix themselves, and finally become the healthy happy person I am today. All that in 31 years, wow, I am just amazed. But thats not all. I have traveled the world because that is what I promised myself I would do if I lived to tell the tail, I have lived in another country, and I have friends, from California, to the Australia (although there are some tiny island nations like Micronesia that stick out further out but lets not get too technical..heheheheh). My network covers the globe, and for that I am very grateful. I often sit around feeling sorry for myself, probably because at 31 I still have not found the love of my life, I am guessing he maybe out there, but he is not here now, but then I think about my life, and I really have no regrets, and I wonder if I would have ever settled for this guy or that guys would I be sitting here in my London flat telling the tail about my adventures in Europe, maybe, or maybe not, I have no way of knowing. So yes I may not have found my one true love yet, maybe I will maybe I wont I mean I surely hope that I do, but at least I can say that I have lived my life with no regrets, I have seen the world, I have made amazing friends, I am at a place in my life where I feel that I have accomplished all that I said I wanted to accomplish that day that I was told that you are very sick and it is going to be an uphill battle but we will get you through it, that day when I felt all the odds were stacked against me, I turned adversity into a plan, I gave myself something to live for, and I have lived it, and yes now there is so much more that I want to accomplish so much more I want to do, but as I sit here writing this, I know that there is nothing that can stop me, with my faith, and my determination, I will get through anything. Now all I have to do is find away to convince some guy to see all these great quality....I am sure someone will....its just not my time, but it will be and one day I will be telling my grandchildren all the wonderful things grandma has done and accomplish, and hopefully become a person they can look up to.